Identidades in English No 1, February 2014 | Page 29

Ensuring the greatest equity possible from the gender victories won by the national and international women’s movement The focus on gender equity over the past few years has been promoted by women’s organizations, governmental organizations, and international cooperative agencies, as a way to guarantee equal opportunities for women. This principally stems from the Program for Women’s Action that was approved by the United Nations in 1995, which is better known as the Plan of Action of Beijing, which was evaluated at the end of 10 years (1995-2005). We Afro-descendant women have to demand that our governments and international organizations apply these accords in black communities and pay necessary attention to black women. Strengthening citizen participation by Afro-descendant women We Afro-descendant women must gain positions of power and political influence in government. In our countries, political parties continue being the basis for the creation of democracy and political participation; thus, it is urgent that the participation of black women 28 be promoted as candidates to popularly elected positions. Of course, they must always uphold the principles of respect and human dignity. We should participate in politics not only as passive spectators, but also as agents in the processes of change that are taking place. Finally, black women will have to work hard, harder than their counterparts. They have to push their own agenda regarding race and gender all the while supporting the national agenda. Afro-descendants today are not considered serious political competitors, unless they engage in a broader political debate on subjects like the economy, business and development, and become a point of reference for other women. Organizational empowerment and strengthening We Black men and women should improve our abilities and increase our capacity to organize, so we can better exert pressure on our governments and international organizations, in order to get them to fulfill their obligation and put into practice the commitments made at many conferences, and international agreements aimed at human development of black people, historic reparations, and respect for human rights.