Identidades in English No 1, February 2014 | Page 19

urgent need to provide adequate protection against discriminatory acts. What is true is that the revolutionary process has negatively scarred the lives of a large part of the population. This became worse in the early nineties, when the Cuban revolution true face, and its societal consequences, were exposed. important to young people. This lack of communication denies people the opportunity of connecting to ever-increasing realities in our population. The active and creative participation of young people in cultural life is fettered, thus turning them into primary victims of this marginalization and social exclusion. In the area of health, mediocre preventive care and fre- Cayo Hueso neighborhood, Havana’s center. Intersection of San Miguel and Aramburu A visible social trait when one is talking about violations of that sort is the many expressions that are used for referring to a black person in radio, television, work places, schools and even: “negro, niche.” Even government employees use them, which demonstrates that those in power doubly abuse blacks in Cuba. According to Cuban legal experts, based on their work experience, there has never been a case tried due to racism or xenophobia, despite the fact it is a common social phenomenon. This mentality must be totally reshaped, perhaps through a demand founded in correcting a historical situation. Areas like education and health also serve as a clear example. Education in Cuba is indoctrinating, despite claims of secularity regarding 1992 constitutional reforms. There are no educational programs or socially integrative, public spaces with whic