Identidades in English No 1, February 2014 | Page 12

national history, and spaces for cultural expression have given natural continuity to a supremacist view that reaffirms the subaltern and distorted view of Afro-descendants. Two decades of a deep, socioeconomic crisis have further reaffirmed the historic disadvantages endured by Afro-Cubans. The level of marginalization and poverty endured by this important segment of the Cuban population is reaching truly worrisome proportions. ized the leaders and organizations that work to promote the rights of blacks, and their right to open spaces for dialogue. These leaders and entities fight this battle by adhering to universal values and the idea of civil independence. As a result, Cuba’s authorities have crafted a sort of fictional organization, the Regional Afro-Descendant Articulation of Latin America and the Caribbean (ARAAC). Its demagogic rhetoric is nothing more than another mechanism with Marginalization and its surroundings Economic measure and reforms have sharpened the which to distort and manipulate reality. It is always inequality and lack of opportunities of Cuban blacks dependent upon the government’s interests and deand mestizos. Once again, the Cuban government is signs, and is always ready to mediate or impede any not implementing measures and actions designed to efforts meant to seek justice and integration. promote the development and integration of the perOrganizations in Cuba committed to combating perennial victims. sistent racism and discrimination have been connectThe crises, traumas and fractures we endure can no ing with the institutions and movements that have longer be hidden from view, despite the official mataken on this long and difficult struggle in countries nipulation and silence. Questions and demands rethroughout the continent; the fruits of this collaboragarding the pressing need for a more adequate and tion, of course, are becoming more and more visible. consistent approach to this problem are increasing not Brazil and Colombia, with their considerable black only abroad, but also in official, intellectual circles. populations, and even other countries like Argentina The global increase in actions and programs designed and Uruguay, have successfully moved forward imto bring historic justice to Afro-descendants and proportant legislation and mechanisms to align themmote respect for this population’s rights, a group that selves with values regarding legal and social equality, has always suffered discrimination, has shown up Cuand diversity that should be embraced worldwide at ban authorities, who keep Cuba distant from this this time. global and continental movement. They have demon- 11