The Path of Democracy in Cuba Do we know how to carry out a transition? Manuel Cuesta Morúa Historian and Political Scientist Speaker of the Arco Progresista Party National Coordinator of the Platform New Country Member of the Citizens Committee for Racial Integration (CIR) Havana, Cuba I t is likely that the question in the title is poorly posed from the point of view of the actual richness of the historical events and the human failure every time we have tried to imitate God. Political transitions often occur without any control. The facts can rotate, change, delay or simply postpone whatever seems inevitable. And what about pure chance? It’s said that Cleopatra's nose changed the course of history in Ancient Rome. And that Trotsky’s cold —caught while hunting— prevented him to be present at the appropriate time and place in which the course of the Russian Revolution was determined. Would the history of Rome have been different without the libido impact of Cleopatra's nose? Could have Trotsky avoided the totalitarian path in Russia by 1918 if he had not succumbed to the aristocratic taste of duck hunting amid a revolutio