In addition to the number of pieces (520), the broad period (about 138 years) covered by them, the variety of the Argentinian and foreign locations where they were taken, and their social contexts, the collection is focused on the Afro-Argentinian question, a field of research where no many pictures are available. This collection opens suggestive research paths since, as an anthropologist, I believe that photographs are pivots for generating sui generis knowledge, not only for playing decorative and complementary roles in the writings, as they are commonly used in the production of scientific knowledge. The potential of this collection lies also in its questioning force to rectify certain knowledge that so far has been taken for certain, for example, that the AfroArgentinians have disappeared along with their culture. References: BURKE, Peter, Visto y no visto: El uso de la imagen como documento histórico [Seen and not seen: The use of image as historic document], Barcelona, Crítica, 2001. CIRIO, Norberto Pablo, “Ausente con aviso ¿Qué es la música afroargentina?” [Absent with notice: ¿What’s the AfroArgentinian music?, en Federico Sammartino y Héctor Rubio (Eds.), Músicas populares. Aproximaciones teóricas, metodológicas y analíticas en la Musicología Argentina, [Popular Music: Theoretical, Methodological, and Analitical Approaches in the Argentinian Musicology], Córdoba, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2008, pp. 81-134. MONTERO, Rita Lucía y Norberto Pablo CIRIO, Rita Montero. Memorias de piel morena: Una afroargentina en el espectáculo [Rita Montero. Memories of the Dark Skinn: A Female AfroArgentinian in the Show Business], Buenos Aires, Dunken, 2012. STUBBS, Josefina y Hiska N. REYES (Eds.), Más allá de los promedios: Afrodescendientes en América Latina: Resultados de la Prueba Piloto de Captación en la Argentina [Beyond the Averages: Afro-Descendants in Latin America. Findings of the Pilot Test on Data Acquisition in Argentina], Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 2006. 61