Racism, homophobia and the remnants
from class division are three evil factors
that have always hampered the insertion
of Cuba into the advanced civilization.
They are powerfully renewed nowadays, supported by one of the worst
economic, political, and socio-cultural
crisis in our history. The more it is
disguised and the lees we want to see it,
the more severe is the socio-cultural
deterioration. It may be the worst aspect
of the crisis, since it renders us incapable to properly address the other structural problems. Without a united country beyond the prejudices, resentments,
disaffections, and mistrusts that now are
rampant among our citizens, it is hardly
conceivable not only a prosperous,
democratic, and modern future, but not
even a present with guarantees for
living in peace and harmony. It then
becomes urgent that our civil society
gets organized and take the responsibility for empowering all the citizens from
their grassroots, especially poor and
marginalized people. Nobody can do for
the ordinary Cubans what they can
achieve by themselves and joined together in order to promote their own
efforts and initiatives. That´s why the
emergence of organizations like AfroMás deserves unanimous approval,
trust, and support. Without being exclusive, Afro-Más More specifically intends to empower the LGBTI community of African descent by providing th