society has the moral obligation to live up a structured conversation on this issue every day and in every possible space . Racism remains as a social punishment and there are many stories of lives marked by such a pain . The State keeps on losing opportunities for discussing the topic in the public sphere . It also ignores the recommendations from March 2011 by the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination ( CERD ). Through the lens power , it becomes further away the possibility of being radical before the urgency to publicly discuss something that can help define the immediate future of the Cuban society in a very hostile environment marked by inequalities , where the black population continues to be the most vulnerable sector . Both the National Conference of the Communist Party ( 28-29 January 2012 ) as its VII Congress ( 16-19 April 2016 ) sidestepped the demands of the civil society regarding the need of a national action plan against racism , which is a common proposal for various citizen platforms , including CIR , the Negritude Brotherhood , the Afro Cuban Collective , and the Racial Unity Alliance . The CIR civic activism is placing the racial issues in the public sphere and it opens thusly the possibility of reinvigorating the struggle for integration . We must show and prove that skin pigmentation is not , by nature , a cause for denying the social , economic and political progress of both men and women disinherited by history and society .
The facilitators ยด networks must strengthen the communities through a participatory pedagogy , and also must be able to translate , interpret , recognize , understand and manage the situations of racism . The dialogue is not only urgent . It must be also systematic , as both racism and discrimination are elements of violence rooted in Cuban society . In both the private and the public spheres , the masks of miscegenation and affection never cease to remind people of African descent that they are black . The building of stereotypes and prejudices is part of the logistics for operating racism as an armored unit of silence and intolerance . Along with the traps of poverty and inequality , the technology of demobilization marks the lives of many people . Among them , the African descendants bear the brunt .