The people continued to travel to Ferguson to protest alongside those who lived
there. It was beautiful to see the young
people organized and in unity protesting
this injustice. Poets started to write poems about the killings. The lack of artists (rappers) participating or speaking
out against this injustice was seen as an
economic thing, they were more interested in making money than taking a
stand. There were many actors who
stood up and spoke on the national injustice of police killings. But yet the
killings continue, and the police are
held ‘justifiable’ in their actions.
On August 18, the Governor Nixon orders the National Guard into Ferguson
after protestors allegedly shot at police
and threw Molotov cocktails and a “coordinated attempt” to block roads and
overrun the police’s command center. I
say allegedly because there were reports
of infiltrators among the protesters.
This would not be the first time that the
government or those in power sent in
spies to stir things up. The police and
military were even arresting those in the
media, telling them they were not allowed to take photographs or video
tape. An attempt to control what the
people sitting in front of the television
was seeing.
Ferguson. Protesters take part in a peaceful protest. (Photo: Michael B. Thomas,
AFP/Getty Images)
The protest continued and the police
officer was not arrested nor charged, he
was brought in front of the grand jury,
behind closed doors, a jury of his peers,
not Michael Brown’s peers. Even
though people argued they had one per-
son of color on the jury. Unfortunately a
person of color does not mean a Black
person, it means a non-white person.
The label “person-of-color” is an attempt to water down the races. To marginalized the entire Black race. But the