The Pittsburgh connection is two fold. The City has itself adopted deliberative practices in one way or another over the past 10 years. These have involved outside groups like AmericaSpeaks and EveryDay Democracy as well as home grown centers like Carnegie Mellon’s Program for Deliberative Democracy. In 2013 the area also hosted a series of workshops and art events for the visiting Cuban delegation, members of which wanted to establish a line of communication between, among others, those working to make Cuba more democratic and those in our area working to make our local democracy more deliberative. Influential in bringing these groups together were Juan Antonio Alvarado, who now edits the journal IDENTIDADES, and CMU’s Kenya Dworkin, who has seen a decades old connection between “Da burgh” and the Cuban community. The connections continued this year with a second visit and the publication by Cuesta Morua of “Constitutional Debate and Citizens” in the Journal IDENTIDADES. These Cuban’s get it, as does our Mayor Peduto, who endorsed the recommendation that Pittsburgh become a center for deliberative democracy. 58 Both have followed up with action, with workshops and neighborhood roundtables in Cuba and deliberative forums in the City’s Public Safety Council meetings, discussions that engaged our citizens in the selection process for the new Chief of Police. Benjamin Barber has written recently that the dysfunction seen at the national and even state level of our democracy has called us back the cities where real decision-making needs to take on a realistic tone and where real citizen engagement can make a difference. Cities, he writes, are the “theatres of strong democracies.” Through its use of deliberative forums, online tools like MindMixer and Next Door, and participatory budgeting, Pittsburgh can serve as a model for other cities, and, yes, even other countries. Like Cuba. *Editor's Note: Article first appeared with the same title in: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 19 December 2014. Accessed at: