1- Cía Sandrinha Sargentelli. It is possible to
verify all the official and private entities associated with this ‘show’ house. At:
2 – They are members of a samba school who
execute the dance’s basic steps and other gestures associated performance.
3 - They are members of a music group at the
samba school. They keep the rhythm by playing
manual percussive instruments like a tambourine.
4 - IG Último Segundo. The image inw hich the
player seems to be naked is available at:
5 – The rest of the materials having to do with
sex tourism and prostitution: publicity ad from
the Bahamas nightclub away from the street in
São Paulo. Folha de São Paulo
and “Copa del Mundo aumenta libido
del mercado del sexo en Brasil”. Esporte Interativo. .
6 - “Se Conecta”. Publicity ad on Avenida Paralela that associates the image of the World Cup
with a sex act. . Other images are available at:
7 –Results of these investigations are available
in Arena das Nações. “Pesquisa aponta pouca
animação com a Copa do Mundo”. . GÓIS, Chico. Jornal O
Globo. This study shows the dissatisfation of
Brazilians with the World Cup. Revista Exame. “72% dos brasileiros estão
insatisfeitos com a Copa do Mundo”.
8 – These are male or female companions who
attend to clients at social events and parties.
Generally, they are young people who prostitute
themselves without working the streets. Characteristically, their contacts use telephones.
9 –It is important to note that the information
from the Jornal PSI del (Consejo Regional de
Psicología de São Paulo) is from 1995 and that
there were almost no tangible changes in 2014
regarding human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of minors.
10 -Jornal PSI. “Comportamento Turismo sexual atinge crianças” (Año 17. Nº103. Janeiro /
fevereiro 1997). At:
11-More detailed information about poverty
among black women in “Mulheres são maioria
entre os mais pobres e as mulheres negras são
maioria entre os mais pobres e as mulheres
negras são maioria entre a população em pobreza
extrema”. UNEAfro. Visit: .
12- BRASÍLIA. “Copa do Mundo atrai 600 mil
turistas estrangeiros ao Brasil”. Portal da Copa.
13 - BRASÍLIA. Portal da Transparência. “Quadro geral: previsão de aplicação de recursos”.