PFNP working with members of the neighborhood The governing elite controls all the mass media and exports a distorted view of black women’s reality. The PFNP has directed its efforts so that voices of these women - including true torments they live - is known worldwide. This is the way to establish ties of collaboration and fraternity with other organizations that also fight against racial discrimination. After so many years of not being able to intervene is such spaces - to be able to unmask the Cuban government, the PFNP will denounce the violations perpetrated against Afro-descendants before these international organizations. The PFNP works with other organizations inside and outside Cuba, so that our society can awaken with another frame of mind and a better future. We women , particularly black women, will be on the front lines - as by that time we will be prouder to be black women. We PFNP members are aware of the fact that the race problem in Cuba has no simple solution. However, we are also sure that we should continue fighting the difficult fight and seriously examine Afro-Cuban roots so we can trace the path that will lead us to the true justice and equality we are demanding for Afro-descendants and all of Cuban society. 39