“The Other Cuba.” And “Inspiring Smiles.” La Roche College
On September 17, 2014, La Roche College was privileged to participate in the fascinating, diverse, and
highly informative collaborative program series
"We Are the Roots of Change." Organized by the
Platform for Cuban Integration [Plataforma de Integración Cubana], the series focused on sharing
the culture and challenges of contemporary Cuba.
La Roche College hosted the photo exhibit "Inspiring Smiles: Brightening the Lives of Cuba's Invisible
Children", a wonderful collection that highlighted
work to bring art to poor and marginalized children
in Cuba. We were honored to hear directly from the
photographer about the art program and its positive
impact on the children. Also featured was a new
documentary, "The Other Cuba", offering useful insights into the challenges faced by families falling
Professor Astrid Kersten makes
through the cracks of governmental systems of aid
welcoming remarks
and assistance. The La Roche event included a panel
presentation by an amazing group of scholars, professionals, artists and activists who engaged with
the audience on key questions and issues. This program was a real treat for the students, faculty and
staff of La Roche and the North Hills Community, and we hope that our relationship continues into the
Dr. Astrid Kersten. Professor of Management and Co-director of Global Development and Humanitarian Aid.
The panel and the screening of the
documentary “The Other Cuba”
Exposition “Animando Sonrisas” [Inspiring Smiles]