Afro-descendant population knows nothing about
democracy, nor can it proudly preserve its
memory. We are also the least digitally connected
country in the Western hemisphere.
According to the World Trade Organization, new
technological opportunities (and in global, free
trade) will drive a third industrial revolution. We
are very aware of the great benefits these new
technologies would bring the countries of the
South; we are also watchful, because we know
that the countries of the North are the principal
owners and beneficiaries of the World Wide Web,
as well as of the hardware, software and content
industries—70% of which is English.
The obligation that the current and future generations have is to empower themselves via new
technologies in order to be able to discuss the past
and face the future. E-democracy may be one of
the best answers for improving politics and citizen participation in democratic communicative
and decision processes. This would include using
computers, the Internet and telecommunications.
Once new generations feel empowered by these
new technologies, they will have to battle the digital or technological divide. The democratic divide can be bridged when the people have the
means to communicate with their leaders, e.g.,
through email, municipal web pages, discussion
forums and other ways. Yet, not knowing about
these technologies, or in ignoring their responsibility to listen to the people, leaders pay no attention whatsoever to those they lead.
The new technologies are leaving behind the concept of electoral promises. With democracy and
good government, the constant interaction of citizens allows us to go much further. Thus, in Cuba
we have realized that having a Joven Club (youth
club) in each town, each with its own sala Nauta
(computer room for web access) is no longer
enough. Neither is having email or a web page.
We must have access, the will to use it and, most
importantly, know how to use it properly.
* Panel: Culture and Diversity: Monopoly and