We Cuban liberals will always be in favor of constructing democracy and strategic projections for
our country. That way, we will see the growth of
private, cooperative and public sectors that will
offer the flexibility necessary for society and the
State to keep enriching the lives of its citizens.
One of the essential themes in this transition process is the education of civil society, in general.
We liberals will work with other political forces
and interested academic groups in clarifying and
elucidating on the nation’s history over the past
50 years, as well as in the task of purging ideology our national education system, so we can apply new technologies.
We will free ourselves from the iron censorship
that has been imposed, and also work tirelessly
for Cuban youth and children, highlighting the social issues impacting them as much as possible.
We will work with other democratic political
forces to purge the ideology of children’s and
youth textbooks, and from their activities, seeking
to rescue the nation’s patriotic, humanistic and
democratic traditions.
In our view, the Cuban nation must rectify the historical injustices wrought by the nationalizations,
interventions and confiscations. We will work to
reestablish the law and justice, so they may benefit the nation and its citizens, and give way to the
deeper process of economic liberalization and privatization of the State-controlled, national economy. History has shown us that the State’s absolute control over production means is inefficient.
A future, democratic government based on liberal
ideals should try to reconcile the need for alliances with the international community regarding
democratic advances, so that policies that extend
freedom and progress to other countries may be
* Panel: Cuba: Memory of Democracy (LASA).
The author was unable to attend the event; his paper was read by Rafel Campoamor.