• There is NO free (unfettered) practice of the legal profession. Each one of these aspects is basic to a properly functioning judicial system anywhere in the world, but Cuba does not accept these elements in its legal order, even though they are present in most nations around the globe. What does this difference imply? Absence of a Court of Constitutional Guarantees The Constitution is real and concrete evidence of the social pact that Jean Jacob Rousseau spoke of. It represents the consent of the entire population (or the majority) regarding certain norms that reflect a condition in which the people have delegated their power to leaders who must use it for the complete and total benefit of those who confided in them to move the country forward towards the teleological end expressed in the Constitution. These leaders hold this power conferred unto them by the nation’s true sovereigns only temporarily. The norms and goals contained within a Constitution function like paradigms, like postulates that guarantee benefits to all citizens, and create and effectuate the State’s political institutions and framework. Yet, the Constitution written and approved by citizens is not, on its own, an absolute guarantee that it will be respected and followed. There must be certain complementary laws, too. For example, if the Constitution says that citizens have the right of association, but there is no clear and effective mechanism to guarantee it, it is then possible that the right of association will be more like an illusion. In the long (or short) term, the document will be like a dead letter. This is why democratic countries have established Courts of Constitutional Guarantees, whose functions are to guarantee whatever is proposed in the Constitution, and see that the document does not become a worthless piece of paper. In the event of a violation of one the Constitution’s laws, whether flagrant or not, the Court of Guarantees ensures the immediate restitution of 60 the legal norm that was violated (no matter who is responsible). It will return to those affected the safety and rights they have been constitutionally granted. Anywhere this is not the case, the role a Constitution can play is sad indeed. It may have no role whatsoever. The Constitutional Court has primary importance in guaranteeing that Constitutional Law be protected and practiced. NO independent judiciary It has been many years since Montesquieu bequeathed to us the following great truth, in The Spirit of the Laws: “Where there is no separation of State powers, there is no Constitution.” This idea is at the core of States of Law, which subm