and necessary options for achieving changes requires that we learn the rules of the coexistence
game regarding defending, promoting, guaranteeing and protecting our rights, in general, and as
citizens, then the inaugural results are positive.
Early on, the most important things was, above
all, to perceive ourselves as subjects with rights
and Laws, both of them serving as our primary
and ultimate source of legitimacy. These goals
have been attained with the thousands of citizens
who have identified with this process.
Consenso Constitucional has several added values. Participating citizens have begun to create a
place in their lives for specific and historical information concerning constitutional topics. This
has led them to gather ideas, texts and documents
relating to constitutional history not only in Cuba,
but also around the world. In this sense, two kinds
of digital files are being distributed among citizens: one containing all of Cuba’s constitutions
and commentaries about them, and another with
texts, presentations and essays regarding New
Latin American Constitutionalism, which will allow them to contextualize the proposal for constitutional change in Cuba.
Another added value has been the understanding
of a new concept of legality before the law. In a