with historic sovereignty. Unlike the 1976 Constitution, the 1940 one was a Constitution created from native, historic and cultural elements, with only external influences that refer to fundamental freedoms, which actually gave it its origin. The 1940 Constitution emerges at a time when direct political influence on the republican system that came from the Platt Amendment was declining. This Amendment’s effects, imposed by the United States in 1902, began to disappear when the external geostrategic restrictions over our Republic’s institutions began to decline. To the contrary, the origin of the 1976 Constitution must be situated on the 1936 Soviet model, which has nothing to do with our history, or cultural or political reality. It involved or brought back the consideration of foreign powers, such as restrictions that were placed on our institutionalism. In this sense, there was a clear reminder of this in the 1976 Constitution’s preamble, which began by thanking the former Soviet Union for our very existence. The participants situate the advantages of the 1940 Constitution over the New Constitutionalism in the fact that the latter would, in essence, mean starting from zero, with no referential tools. This would essentially stifle debate or derail it, and necessarily cau se it to end up in some sort of constitutional platform. To avoid this, it would be better not to fool ourselves, not to pretend that we can invent something new regarding something that we can only innovate, at most. We must start with the best point of departure we have: the Constitution of 1940. The Constitution of 1976 The participants also expressed themselves regarding the Constitution of 1976. Some can’t see how it would be possible to propose constitutional changes using current legal mechanisms; others believe there is no other option but to appeal to current legislation because it is the only way to guarantee legal changes in the law, even through they did not approve of the current Constitution. Yet others focus on the fact that we should consider the non-ideological nature of a Constitution that sees itself as democratic. For them, the defining line be