Interviewer: Haven’t you had the possibility of taking her to some school or some rehabilitation center? YSQ: No, only physical therapy and exercises at the polyclinic. That’s it. Interviewer: And, as a handicapped person, hasn’t she been seen to see what she needs, like a wheel chair or something? YSQ: I’m in the middle of the wheel chair thing, and they tell me they don’t have any for kids. They check her out, but give her no real attention. And they tell you: “When something comes in”…but nothing ever comes in. I need disposable diapers so I can take her to her appointments, because she goes to the bathroom on herself. I have to buy them on the outside. The social worker says: “when the shipment arrives”…but those are just words, because it never comes. Interviewer: Did you receive a visit by the Psycho-Social Reviewer who sees and registers folks who are handicapped and have problems? YSQ: No. No one came here. Interviewer: Do you work? YSQ: No. I can’t work because of my daughter. Interviewer: What money do you receive as a mother? YSQ: I get 200 pesos ($8.30 US dollar) a month. With that, I have to go to the official store and buy food, because if I don’t, they would take away my allotment. *Vice President, Progressive Arc Party (PARP) National Vice Coordinator, Citizens’ Committee for Racial Integration (CIR) Cuban Representative, IDENTIDADES Video “La Otra Cuba” Leonardo Calvo Cárdenas en el ”llega y pon” de Casablanca 18