vian Liberal Institute’s Aulas Abiertas are necessary windows in order to be able to construct a
new kind of citizenship according to the concept
of human rights as well as bilateral relations.
To be able to acquire all this knowledge is extremely important. It fortifies the architecture of
all civil societies and enriches our work agenda
and ability to think about our own country’s fu-
Cubans and Colombians Activists
Using the lens of these two organizations, we Cuture.
ban activists were able to incorporate into our
Our experience working with the aforementioned
agenda negotiation and TV journalism workinstitutions abroad and with the Platform for Cushops, right at the TV Azteca station. We met
ban Integration prove that freedom begins with
with journalism students at the Universidad
autonomy. Autonomy and having knowledge alIberoamericana and the Autonomous University
lows us to be free; the construction of a democof Mexico (UNAM). Our meeting with Luis de la
racy also involves integration, knowledge and the
Barreda Solórzano, Coordinator for the UNAM’s
exchange of ideas.
Human Rights Program and its working group
This experience in the international arena is alwas very productive. We got to know the work of
lowing us to analyze our own civil society’s
the Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Latin
agenda: its opportunities, challenges, weaknesses
American Liberal Network close up. Both organand threats, as well as to figure out how to define
izations became interested in civil society’s chalthe horizontal changes Cuba should undergo in its
lenges and opportunities, and particularly the Curace relations.
ban race problem.