IDEATE Course Outlines 2021 | Page 4


Diploma Program Course Outlines

The IDEATE ( ID8 ) program empowers students to take charge of their learning and thrive in an ever-changing world .

IDEATE Diploma Program

IDEATE is an innovative High School program that offers students voice and choice in their final two years of the BCIS High School Diploma .
IDEATE challenges students to pursue their own ideas and transform their learning through meaningful educational pursuits . It is designed to celebrate and develop students ’ strengths , talents , and skills in ways that will support any future aspirations .
The IDEATE Programme aims to :
• Empower students to be self-directed learners , to pursue ideas and burning questions , and to take control of their pathway towards post-secondary learning .
• Inspire students to discover their strengths , passions and talents to enrich their education , take action for the greater good of all , and inspire themselves and others to strive for excellence and innovation .
• Challenge all students to broaden their horizons through real-world experiences , build on prior learning and achieve to their full potential .
• Develop compassion and awareness of others , and see , understand and act on the connections between learning and the world .
All IDEATE courses align with our BCIS Learning Model and Impacts of learning . This means students will intentionally develop skills in the following areas :
• Critical Thinking
• Creative Thinking
• Purposeful Doing
• Connected Learning
Inquiry is at the heart of all courses and teachers will employ a variety of teaching methods and assessments that follow the design principles of the following pedagogical approaches :
• Voice and Choice
• Learn by Doing
• Social and Emotional Learning
• Concept and context
Assessments will vary within subject groups and include tasks such as investigations , portfolios , projects , exhibitions , and problem-solving activities .