“Education is the most powerful weapon for changing the world”, according to Nelson Mandela and there is no better way of learning than volunteering. Being a volunteer is a serious, demanding but fulfilling experience and there is no better period of time in a person’s life for volunteering than the students’ years.

Thessaloniki is a beautiful student city of Greece which has hidden many treasures about education and there is not more idealistic place to hide them than Aristotle University. One of those little treasures are its Non-Governmental Youth Organizations and more specifically the organization of AIESEC.

AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-led network creating positive impact through personal development and shared global experiences and it was officially founded in 1948. At that time, the mission was “to expand the understanding of the individuals, changing the world one person at a time” in order to face again the global destruction of World Wars.

AIESEC in Greece was founded in 1956 and in Aristotle University came at 1991. Its vision is “Peace and fulfilment of humankind’s potential”because it is every young person’s responsibility to take a positive role shaping the future of our planet. Otherwise, AIESECers believe every young person deserves the chance, and tools, to fulfil their potential and that’s why they provide young people with self-driven, practical, global experiences.

More specifically, they believe that the fundamental solution to the world’s problems is to develop their leadership potential. They define leadership as a summary of the following characteristics: world citizenship, self-awareness, solution-oriented and ability to empower others. But how does AIESEC do that?

First of all, you can visit the organization’s office in AUTH campus (in exterior corridor NOPE) where you can have an informative meeting with one of the members and learn about AIESEC’s programs. But which are AIESEC’s programs?

Outgoing Volunteering Program (OGV): This program is about volunteering abroad or internships abroad so any student from any faculty of Aristotle University can choose an opportunity of AIESEC in any country of the world and go there in order to help those people “solve” or make better the situation in that society or work on the field of his/her studies.

Incoming Volunteering Program (IGV): This program is about students from other countries who come to Greece in order to take part in an “opportunity” that the members of AIESEC Greece will create for them. In this situation there are two options the one of volunteering programs and the internship programs in Greece.

Membership in AIESEC (ex.) AUTH: Being a volunteer in AIESEC gives you the opportunity of challenging yourself not only for finding your limits but also for finding out your talents-qualifications. The work of a volunteer is separated in three categories which are about: marketing, customer experience, sales.

Being a part of AIESEC is like joining a massive community of globally-minded young leaders. People who want to grow their own potential while contributing to something much greater than themselves. They give you immediate responsibilities so you can learn by doing, step outside your comfort zone and experience both success and failures amongst a supportive community. If you’re keen on activating your potential and contributing to a mission that changes the world, then they’re looking for you. They can’t promise you that it’ll be easy, but it sure will be worth it.

Contact with them now by sending an email: [email protected]

or visit their office in exterior corridor NOPE in AUTH campus Monday-Friday 10.00-17.00

Be the change you want to see around you! Now you have a way!