The Smile of the Child is an NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation) that works in Greece, and its purpose is the safeness of every child. Some of its actions are accommodation for kids, telephone support and strengthen families, who are in poverty.

This organisation was created by Kostas Giannopoylos. His kid, Andreas, who died at the age of 10 years old, wrote on his diary about an organisation called "The Smile of the Child", whose purpose would be the smile to every children, without discrimination. On December 1995, despite his problem (Andreas was diagnosed with cancer), he presented his wish to the National TV Station, ANT1, on the TV show "Red Card". This show marked the establishment of an organization, that champions the Rights of the Children in Greece.

Based on the power of its volunteers, The Smile of the Child helps families and children, who need help. More specifically, it operates:

By taking care of children in hospitals. Children, who lost their families by POA court order, are hosted in Children's Hospitals. Volunteers take care of them, as long as they have to stay there.

By offering creative work to the Children's Hospitals. Volunteers help a lot to this part.

By maintaining support centers for kids and families.

By operating voluntary creative workshop.

By organizing and participating on bazaars and exhibitions, to inform citizens about the work of the organisation and to ask for financial aid to help its actions.

By providing administrative and secretarial support, for the best coordination of the actions of the organisation.

By operating "The Houses" care children.

By organizing actions like the "", for sensitizing students and their families in many thematics, about the Rights of Children.

By maintaining the "National Phone Line SOS 1056 for Children", also known as Amber Alert.