Médecins du Monde (Doctors of the World) is a global non-governmental organization, which was created to provide care to countries affected by wars, natural disasters, etc. M.D.M includes mainly doctors.

This organization was founded in France in 1980 by 15 France doctors. Ten years later, a group of 150 members gathered at the University of Athens and founded the Greek branch of Doctors of the World.

The Greek Doctors of the Wold are equal national delegation of the MEDECINS DU MONDE INTERNATIONAL Network with 12 other delegations in: USA, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Canada, Cyprus, Argentina, Italy.

Through their medical Humanitarian action, Médecins du Monde are steadfast defenders of the Human Rights. They are resolutely opposed to racism, social exclusion, xenophobia and marginalization of social groups, to the ethnic cleansing policy and social inequality. Doctors of the World supports women's and children's rights, the right to specificity and are opposed to any intervention in the genetic code and the rape of natural laws.

They don't want just to be observers, or therapists of human suffering. They also record, communicate and complain. They live close to the people who need them, share their problems, respect their manners and customs. They don't hesitate to speak out, when they become eye witness of infringement of Human Rights. Wherever it is possible, MDM highlights the risks of such abuses, either through silent diplomacy, or with the help of the media.

Since the beggining of their action, Médecins du Monde Greece have created numerous programs both within the country and abroad, in order to provide medical and other services to marginalized populations without access to health services and with need of medical care.

The story behind the Logo

The Logo of MDM was designed in November 1987 by Richard Rossin. The dove, which dominates the center, symbolizes the world peace and the medical care. The leaves of the branch represent the five Continents and the blue color the physical connection of the Continents, namely the sky and the sea. The dove symbolic crosses country borders and depicted in a circle, which is our planet.

How to become a volunteer in MDM

Volunteer in Greece:

Volunteer abroad:

In this sites, you can find the fields that you can contribute as a volunteer to the organization.

Note that you have to be willing to help and, in some cases, be specialized in medicine, teaching, nursing, administration, special education. Also, if you become a volunteer abroad, you have to know that missions will last 1-12 months. You must know English or French (basic languages of the missions). Knowledge of Spanish or Arabic is considered as an important skill to take a job on MDM. You must also have PC skills (MS Office).

Médecins du Monde - DOCTORS OF THE WORLD