IDE DOSSIER ONLINE Tercer Trimestre 2018 | Page 24

Consumers are ever more aware of the effects of waste on the planet. Smaller packages allow consumers to choose the size that suits their thirst; meaning less beverage waste . On top of that, the metal used to manufacture beverage cans is 100% recyclable. This metal can be used over and over again, without any loss of quality and can come back again as a new beverage can is as little as 60 days!

Big cans for cider, beer and energy drinks

In Europe, the second most popular standard can size is 500ml. This size is especially popular for beer and cider packages. The size of a pint is 568ml and this makes the 568ml can a popular can size for beer in the UK and Ireland. The bigger cans (500ml or 568ml) allow for maximum exposure for brands and are extremely cost efficient in both filling and distribution. In the UK, 440ml can is also a popular for both beer and increasingly cider.

In some countries like Germany, Turkey and Russia, you can also find cans that contain up to 1 litre of beer. Carlsberg launched a new 1 litre two piece can of its brand Tuborg in Germany to attract impulse buyers. It helped the brand to – literally – tower above the other brands.

In 2011, Carlsberg launched a litre can for its beer brand Tuborg in Germany, after seeing good results in Russia.

Big cans for cider, beer and energy drinks

In Europe, the second most popular standard can size is 500ml. This size is especially popular for beer and cider packages. The size of a pint is 568ml and this makes the 568ml can a popular can size for beer in the UK and Ireland. The bigger cans (500ml or 568ml) allow for maximum exposure for brands and are extremely cost efficient in both filling and distribution. In the UK, 440ml can is also a popular for both beer and increasingly cider.

In some countries like Germany, Turkey and Russia, you can also find cans that contain up to 1 litre of beer. Carlsberg launched a new 1 litre two piece can of its brand Tuborg in Germany to attract impulse buyers. It helped the brand to – literally – tower above the other brands.