IDC 2018 Show Report Post Show report - IDC 2017 | Page 3
risk making it necessary to remove them. He shed light on
how the rules related to decommissioning came into place
with the passing years and briefed about the role of IMO in
it. He looked hopeful of a huge number of investment
coming in this industry in the coming years. He expected
that around 2000 offshore projects would decommission
by 2040 costing around 210 billion dollars. Arun hoped of
a new industry taking birth & he pointed out that Asia
Pacific area untapped and benign. Lots of work is required
to be done but there is a concern over execution of the
task in the future due to lack of funds and infrastructure.
R a j a g o p a l M a h a l i n g a m , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r,
Decommissioning, Shell told that decommissioning is a
part of a normal life cycle in any industry and there is a
mutual learning amongst the team to work more safely,
efficient and environmentally friendly.
Across the world, we do see an increased number of oil &
gas producing facilities coming to their end of productive
life, “said Mahalingam. “Decommissioning as an industry
is on the rise and it's definitely good business proposition,”
he added. He cited the example of the Gulf of Mexico to
prove his point.
He said that India was fairly in a better position in forming
a framework compared to its counterparts for carrying out
the decommissioning. Rajagopal talked about
decommissioning didn't generate any money for the
operator so there was a need to make it as efficient as
possible. He advocated bringing better ways for
decommissioning at offshore, onshore, deep water and
shallow water fields.
Mr. Shashank Shekhar, Country Representative IEV
Malaysia, revolved his speech around P&A (Plugging
and Abandon) in decommissioning. He said there were
many challenges and risks involved in it. He focused on
making wells leak proof, keeping the environment safe.
He talked about the perspective, why, what and how of
decommissioning, planning challenges and other
“System engineering approach is something that is
very close to my heart & he spoke about corrective
actions and what could be done to achieve it. He
noted that when the oil prices are high no one wants
to do decommissioning and when it is low