Idaho Deer Hunter Magazine Summer 2012, Issue #1 | Page 6

that bring me here : What began that day was more than a love affair for hunting it was the love affair of living by the rules of nature , and trying to predict what nature would do next . A love affair of making that final decision no matter who was with you . The Do ’ s & Don ’ ts of squeezing the trigger is your decision . I decided to squeeze that trigger , much like I decided a few years ago to give back to my love . The deer and wildlife in our state need my help and yours . So I got involved in some national groups . I learned from these groups , watched what they did and didn ’ t do for our local wildlife . I learned that we here in Idaho see the effects both man and nature have on the deer herds , so I felt I needed to find a local group to help and work with . A few phone calls and about a dozen meetings later the committee leads of Deer Hunters of Idaho thought I would be able to help rebuild and grow the organization to a level that would rival the National groups . So here we are , a new name-Idaho Deer Alliance . It ’ s not just a name change but a way of looking at being a powerful voice for deer and wildlife . We need to be strong , we need to speak up in groups . So this is not my new beginning , but all of ours ! As you read this new magazine remember it ’ s yours as much as mine . If you have ideas , bring them to us . We want and need your help . As you see the rebirth of our organization remember we welcome your ideas and help there too . The challenges that face our deer herds and hunting future are large , but together we can take them all on .
Enjoy your magazine as it is for you .

~ George