and was worried I might not be able to see the buck since he didn ’ t go where we expected him to . Jeff was watching the buck when all of a sudden he just disappeared and 3 seconds later Jeff heard a shot .
After we admired the beauty of the magnificent animal , we took care of him and were able to head out for an evening hunt in hope of finding another one . We spotted another really nice buck and watched him in the spotting scope for quite a while before we made a plan to stalk him . Jeff tried to close the gap , but there were too many does to make that possible and he got away . Over the next couple of days we continued to look , but none of the bucks were as nice so we eventually decided to go back to where we ’ d seen that buck two days before . To our surprise we were able to spot him near the same spot . However , this time we decided to just watch him until he lay down before making a game plan . I didn ’ t think he would ever lie down , and he never did . We watched him and a 3-point go up into a small finger at the top of his mountain until they were out of our site .
There was no chance to make a stalk from where we were , we ’ d already tried that . So , we decided to drop off the backside of the mountain , get on the other side of the deer ’ s mountain and climb up from the backside to come up the finger we ’ d last seen him in . From the backside it was tough to determine which finger was the right one . After an hour of hiking we crested the top of the mountain and five minutes later I thought we were
busted when I saw the 3-point running away from us . After another 10 minutes of walking we found the finger we thought he should be in . All of a sudden Jeff just froze and signaled for me to get down , whispering that the buck was about 200 yards away lying down . I never saw the deer and Jeff could only see him when standing up . I was carrying the spotting scope tripod , so I quietly extended the legs as far as possible and Jeff used it to balance his 300 ultra mag on . It took one shot . The deer was lying underneath a cliff and never got up from his bed . By the time we got him off the mountain we just made it home in time to go trick-ortreating .