From the Rack Room
Since our last issue we have had two major events : First was the Sportsman ’ s Show with the Big Horn Contest ! Thank you goes out to all those that brought down their trophies . We had a great turn out . The winners and some photos are in the issue .
Then we had our Annual Banquet — That was a huge success ! We had an awesome turnout as far as attendance , and all that were in attendance , we had great feedback ! A BIG THANK YOU must go to everyone that helped not only with the setting up but also all our sponsors and donators ! If it weren ’ t for people / businesses like you we would never be able to do what we do . With that being said there is a list of those said donators / contributors in this issue as well . If you happen to be out and about , shopping , or you just happen to come about these places or just want to stop by and say THANK YOU-please do . They need to know how much we do appreciate them and without their help we could not do this .
So here we are , our 4th issue , that also means we have come to the end of our 1st year of this magazine . You have noticed , I ’ m sure , that we have made changes along the way . The most obvious is the paper / pages . We feel we have found the one that feels the best , looks the best and still gives us the value we were after . Most note worthy will be our ‘ classified ’ pages . This page will have small affordable ads for you to see your personal items as well as services you may supply . We are also working on adding some new big name advertisers and a few regular new features .
Last , but certainly not least , a THANK YOU to you that have stuck with us this past year with all our changes that have taken place . We still have a ways to go , but with your support and our hard work Idaho Deer Alliance will continue to grow into a driving force for habitat improvement , restoration and protection throughout our state . Always remember that Every dollar Raised here , Stays here !
Thank you —
PS Take a kid hunting — they are our future !