Idaho Deer Hunter Magazine Fall 2012, Issue #2 | Page 10

As we drove and walked around , we talked to other hunters on the road ; one hunter said he had seen some forked horn deer up higher so we headed that direction . We were driving up the road , John or George ; I don ’ t remember who , said “ Deer ”! He was to the left out about 75 yards off the road . I was told that it was mine to shoot so George and I exited the truck . I was nervous , and I hadn ’ t even seen the deer yet . George walked me around and through some trees for a better view , then , calmly talked me through what I was going to do next . Not being a great shot I envisioned myself sitting down to shoot as I would be steadier , but that wasn ’ t going to work . I lifted my rifle , but he was standing facing us so a broadside shot was out . I aimed for where I had been told a good lung shot would be and squeezed the trigger . The deer started to take a step so I thought I had missed , he took a few more steps and dropped . I was shaking , my husband John was saying “ yes , you got him ” George high fived me I think . We walked over to where he was laying . I had shot him right through the neck , a forked horn , by no means a trophy to some , but a trophy to me , and meat in my freezer that I could proudly say was mine . It was such an adrenaline rush I couldn ’ t believe I had actually done it ; I wanted to tell the whole world and I tried !
George and John walked me through field dressing him ( after we took several pictures of course ) we carried / dragged him up to the road and got him in the back of the truck . I was proud of myself for accomplishing what I didn ’ t think I could . Oh , the earrings I mentioned earlier , well I ended up leaving them in , and they are now referred to as my “ lucky ” earrings . I was also wearing them when my husband shot his first Elk a few weeks later that season and will wear them on every hunting trip I take .
This year I am hoping to again be able to bring home a deer and look forward to my 13 year old son hunting with us for his first time . My 10 year old daughter also looks forward to her first hunting experience . No man ( or woman ) should be left out of the sport of hunting , I no longer have to dread being abandoned in the fall while John takes off on a hunting trip , I can just pack up my gear , including my earrings , and tag along !!