81 After the Nuclear Epoch came Recombination. This is where a proton captures an electron, allowing the first neutral atoms to form. Although no light was yet being emitted, recombi- Photo: Steffen Richter/Harvard University nation would have lifted the veil on the early Universe allowing it to become clear and visible for the first time. Radiation was also now being forced to decouple from the matter it had always been paired with which allowed gravity to take over as the dominating force in the Universe. Gravity then began forcing particles of elements together, which was the beginning of all gas, star, and planet formation which we see today. It is the leftover radiation from this process that we see today as the CMB. So if the discovery of the CMB was the trigger of proof needed to suggest that the idea of inflation shortly after the Big Bang was correct, gravitational waves could be the smoking gun. The amplification of gravitational waves through inflation causing polarization of the radiation emitted from the CMB could be the proof we needed to usher in a new era in par- WORDS: DAN LUCAS ticle physics. @dan__lucas ICY SCIENCE | QTR 2 SPRING 2014