79 The early Universe is often talked about in terms of the first three minutes. Now this may not sound like a long time, but it is basically the time when Scientists believe everything happened. First up came the Plank, or Superstring Epoch, which describes the first 10-43seconds. Dominated by radiation, the Universe was too hot for anything to form. The quantum effect of gravity was also much stronger throughout this stage leading Scientists to believe it was intertwined with the other fundamental forces (electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear) creating a single unified force dominatHistory of the Universe - gravitational waves are ing the Universe. Next came the Grand Unification hypothesized to arise from cosmic inflation, a faster- Epoch. This period of time relies upon the accuracy of than-light expansion just after the Big Bang (17 March the Grand Unification Theory (GUT) which suggests 2014).source wikipedia that if particles collide at energies above 1014GeV, IMAGE BELOW: SCISTAND.COM the strong nuclear force will be combined with the weak nuclear and electromagnetic forces – and at ICY SCIENCE | QTR 2 SPRING 2014