IC Can you tell us about the work you do
VK: I am a co-producer for In Saturn’s Rings. I am also an image processor for the film and the leader of
the film’s social media team. In order to spread the word on the latest developments concerning the
film, I post and tweet to the film’s Twitter and
Facebook on almost a daily basis.
I am also a volunteer planetary science communicator. Under my nom de plume of “Titan Saturn’s
Moon” I post about Saturn’s largest moon as well as the latest from the Cassini mission. Titan has his own
Facebook, Twitter and WordPress blog. On Facebook, I focus on the latest images from
Cassini, specifically Titan. On Twitter, I post what the spacecraft is doing on a daily basis. On WordPress,
I post details on Cassini’s latest flybys. I compose a majority of updates writing in the first-person perspective, thereby giving the impression the moon itself is behind the account.
IC: You have done features on some the USA networks, can you tell us about that experience.
VK: On July 19, 2013, people from all around the world waved at the Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn. It took pictures
of us, from Saturn orbit. As soon as the raw images came in, I immediately made color composites of those views.
As a result, I kinda went viral! My images were featured on NBC
News, FOX News, Daily Mail, io9,
Business Insider, Yahoo! News, and many