50 THE INTERVIEW Valerie Klavans Admin and Owner of “Titan Saturn’s Moon” Image Processor and Social Media Leader for In Saturn’s Rings IC: Can you tell us about your interest in image processing? What are your favourite images to process? VK: In 2009 I made a Facebook page for Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, and began posting images of the moon as well as the latest news from the Cassini mission. As I dug deeper into the Cassini images I saw that the spacecraft sends “raw” images (uncalibrated, untouched, monochrome images) back to Earth on a frequent basis. I learned that these raw, monochrome images can be combined into composites to show the true colour of the Saturn system. One day in 2012, I began to process these images and I found myself feeling like I was travelling along with Cassini. Whenever the latest images come back from the spacecraft I dabble in a new colour composite of one of the worlds in the Saturn system. My favourite images to process are of Titan – specifically the infrared frames that reveal Titan’s surface. In parti 7V