47 titudes, they observed over 200 clouds and found these clouds matched models on how they are distrib- ovolca- uted around Titan. pewing Titans northern hemisphere is entering its spring/summer season, this is interesting because on Titan most of the liquid is in the northern hemisphere. So far no waves have been detected on Titan’s lakes and very little wind. Current models indicate that the warming season could bring winds. A wind of 1 to 2 mph could produce waves or ripples in the methane lakes. kes and er tem- weather ropical. ethane. Like Earth, Titan has rainfall. The rain is that of methane and due to Titans gravity it falls slowly. Much of the surface is kept wet by a light drizzle. The upper cloud layer is saturated with methane, this allows ice crystals to grow and form. They eventually precipitate out and begin to fall, the falling methane crystals start to melt as the go through the atmosphere. This forms light drizzle. Titan also has storms which can be quite powerful. There is also evaporation from the lakes and seas this contributes to the rainfall has it does on earth. Other mechanisms for weather is volcanic activity. unlight sphere Images NASA Words: Dave Bood Cassini be pos- 5 years, @DavesAstronomy ICY SCIENCE | QTR 2 SPRING 2014