This idea of alternate reality forms a key part of quantum mechanics. As I explained in my
article ‘How a Simple Cat in a Box Can Alter How You View the Universe’, the outcome of an
experiment is determined by the observer. Until that outcome is observed, all possible outcomes occur simultaneously. Once an observation has been made, all other outcomes are
no longer possible. It is at this point where the system is described as having collapsed. It
is this collapse into one outcome where quantum mechanics suggests an alternate reality
could exist.
An idea known as the Many World’s
would be played out in a different reality. In terms of
Interpretation of quantum mechan-
quantum mechanics, this notion that every outcome
ics suggests that not only are alter-
occurs prevents the system from collapsing. The
nate realities possible, but they could
observer still only observes one single outcome,
actually be infinite in number. Every
but an alternate reality is created for each potential
time you’ve ever wondered what
outcome not observed.
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