Our ‘Astronomy for Everyone’ programme was designed specifically to engage the local community in Halton
and more particularly families and complete beginners to give them the opportunity to explore, investigate
and have a go at what has become a hugely popular activity.
Publicity and marketing
It was, without doubt, challenging to deliver an event so early in January, with schools, businesses and the
general public focusing on Christmas. In the weeks leading up to the event many places were closed, just at
the time when we would normally be promoting and making contact with those we wished to engage.
We did have the advantage of the publicity generated by both being accepted as part of the BBC Stargazing
LIVE events around the country and the screening of the Stargazing LIVE shows, now hugely popular with the
general public.
We hit the shops the weekend after New Year kindly supported by Karl Clawley, the manager of the Runcorn
Shopping Centre and we spent 2 days with our telescopes, planisphere’s, books and our fabulous TKO Ambassadors
John Liggins and Emma Doward.