2-dimensionality retains the self-replicating +1. Larger Black Holes should lose less mass, as there is less
chance to lose 1 and maintain -1 (Hawking Radiation) the more 2-dimensionality it has.
However, when information escapes in this manner, it should mean that it is conserved, albeit unrecognisable from before it was massively altered inside the Black Hole.
Fn = 2 dimensionality in the negative sequence decays to Fn = -3 and 5, but the simplex vertex product
VFn increases from 3 to 6 (an atypical increase of +3), not following the simple +1 pattern for the mean. The
lower result is an entropy decrease of 1, while the upper result would increase entropy by VFn = 7, resulting in loss of mass from the Black Hole. Hence, it seems decay onward to 5-dimensions isn’t favoured either
symmetrically or asymmetrically, giving 3-dimensionality a limit in our reality and in information exchange.
Fibonacci, It and Bit appear equally fundamental, as the sequence gives information to reality on how information can be exchanged - a sort of “chicken and egg” relationship.
Dimensionality number is conserved during “decay”, adhering to the reversal of the Fibonacci sequence,
while showing an increase in entropy via n-simplex vertex number. This means that information is also conserved, but left much less ordered, when entering a Black Hole. At 0-dimensions information can’t be processed. But the sequence 1 0, 1 reproduces 1, so that information is never destroyed.
Utilising this approach to understand information’s relationship with reality has shown potential to help in
our further understanding of the asymmetry of time.
Any information remaining inside the Black hole is not destroyed and the original dimensionality is always
conserved by following the Fibonacci sequence; it may just be in some instances that it may take an infinite
amount of time for information to escape.
This system also lends itself to a spatially 3-dimensional Universe emerging from 0-dimensionailty, because