sequence nearly full circle to have 2, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3 dimensional arenas for information to exchange.
They are all unique, for example the positive sequence 2 represents the event horizon when heading
into the black hole, the negative sequence 2, is the result of building new event horizon – conserving
dimensionality when the sequence follows through to this point. The final part -3-dimensions, again conserves dimensionality by giving the Universe outside the Black Hole information, confirming that a bit of
3-dimensional space has fallen in, so the Universe gets -3 back out.
The Universe seems to want information to fall into a Black Hole; entropy is perhaps the driving force for
A simplex is the smallest convex set containing n+ 1 vertex for n-dimensions, such as a 2-dimensional triangle containing 3 vertices. I posit utilising n+1 to explore entropy, as a representative of the respective
dimensionality’s order.
If we assign the n-dimensional n-simplex, then the number of vertices n+1 increases with “decay” from
VFn VFn-1 + VFn-2 working backwards through Fibonacci’s sequence. In other words, as information
falls into a Black Hole, its entropy increases more than the decrease in entropy for the outside Universe.
Table 1 shows an increase in disorder moving from VFn VFn-1 + VFn-2 This is always an increase of 1 for
the positive Fibonacci sequence. However once Fn = -1 becomes part of the vertex result the simple relationship is lost.
To continue to achieve the +1 decay results, we must reach a strange conclusion that dimensions with
negative Fibonacci numbers give a simplex vertex number of 0, i.e. the mean of the positive and negative
vertex numbers. If we consider just the negative dimensions with negative vertex simplex numbers,