ICT RESEARCH REPORTS Workplace-Transformation-Market

Workplace Transformation Market Status And Development Trend By Types And Applications Workplace Transformation Market research provides industry analysis by type, manufacturer, application along with key factors influencing the growth of the market which include growth drivers, restraints, opportunities and challenges, strategically profile key players and comprehensively analyze their market share and core competencies. A workplace transformation is the spaces, which helps to accommodate different kinds of work, workers, and technology. A workplace transformation offers various benefits to organization such as increasing competitive advantage, lowering the costs, increasing the productivity, and enhancing the collaboration. Download PDF To explore detail study @ https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-pdf/1387 Increasing adoption of new technology and change in work culture of the enterprises are the key factors driving growth of the workplace transformation market Increasing adoption of cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence, and automation are helping organizations to increase their productivity and enterprises mobility, which provides immense opportunities for growth of the workplace transformation market worldwide. Integration of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) system in various organizations is major factor driving growth of the market in corporate segments, as it is more cost-effective. BYOD saves on an average US$ 350 per year, per employee. According to Coherent Market Insights analysis, adoption rate of BYOD was 36% in 2017 and it is projected to account for 75% by 2019. Moreover, the BYOD market is target to reach nearly US $367billion by 2022 from US$ 35 billion in 2015.