ICT & Electronics Global Virtual Keyboard Market (2016-2024)- Resear | Page 6

Global Virtual Keyboard Market Overview Virtual keyboard is referred to a device or a technology that allows a user to enter characters. Virtual keyboard can be operated by touchscreen, mouse, and keyboard projected on the surface by laser. Virtual keyboard is a software component and are widely used by devices which have no physical keyboard such as personal digital assistance (PDA), touchscreen equipped smart phones and others. The virtual keyboard provides a handy substitute while working. Market Size and Forecast The Global Virtual Keyboard Market is expected to expand at a robust compound annual growth rate over the forecast period i.e. 2017-2024. The factors driving the growth of virtual keyboard market include increasing adoption of innovative technology equipped with user friendly software and rising demand for touchscreen equipped devices. Further, on screen virtual keyboard by technology has the dominating segment in overall virtual keyboard segments and is expected to continue its dominance over the forecast period owing to growing use of on-screen Virtual Keyboard in automated teller machines, manufacturing machines, advanced automotive dashboards and others. Apart from this, telecom and IT sector by end user Copyright © Research Nester www.researchnester.com