ICS ADDIS | 2019-21 | 55
Student experiences are so important for socialemotional and academic success . ICS offers a wide range of opportunities for our students to actively engage in purposeful activities within and beyond the classroom to develop skills and explore their passions while developing leadership and collaborative skills .
Lots of studies have been conducted on the relationship between extracurricular activities and academic performance , and they all show that students who participate in them have higher grades , more positive attitudes toward school , and higher academic aspirations .
Student experiences range from the arts in the classroom to athletics , after-school activities , service learning , and student clubs .


Performing and visual arts are an essential part of the ICS curriculum . The ICS Arts program provides students the opportunity to develop and nurture their growing talents through an innovative and creative experience . The programs will focus on self improvement , developing social skills , cooperation , teamwork and leadership . The arts provide a forum for safe expression , communication , exploration , imagination , cultural , and historical understanding . Students have opportunities throughout the school year to perform or showcase their creative talents .
In 2019-20 , Art showcases throughout the year at all grade levels
160 Drama / Events Showcases
3 Choirs with 131 students participating
4 Bands with 95 students participating