ICS ADDIS | 2019-21 | 35


We believe play , being social and symbolic , is the driving force for learning . Through play , children at ICS participate in meaningful investigations and inquiries . We believe symbolic play and expression are the starting point for a strong learning community . Children are supported in their expression and use all their senses to make meaning through many symbolic processes , including movement , painting , transformation , mathematics , drawing , mark-making , socio-dramatics , building , sculpture , and sound / singing / rhythm . These areas of expression help to build a strong cognitive , social , and communicative foundation for future learning in the elementary years and beyond .
Our learning spaces indoors and out are inviting , promote curiosity , and are purposefully planned in response to our beliefs about the capable child , creating rich conditions in which children learn .


Early years 2 is a half-day program , five days per week . The early years 3 and 4 programs have both half-day and full-day options . Early years 5 ( the equivalent to kindergarten ) is a full-day program .
The student to teacher ratio :
EY2 - 4 to 1 EY3 - 8 to 1
EY4 - 8 to 1 EY5 - 9 to 1