ICS ADDIS | 2019-21 | 29


Personalized learning allows students to inquire and apply their learning in authentic and meaningful ways thriving in any environment they find themselves in . This is essentially what we call being ‘ our best with Africa and our world ’.


All our students at ICS engage in personalized learning experiences throughout the school year . Additionally we provide a dedicated 3-5 weeks time frame for a personalized learning experience , called PLEx .
PLEx is designed with three main elements :
- Learning pathways
- Learning progressions
- Reflection
Learning Pathways speak to the “ what ” a student can choose to do for their PLEx project . The Pathways allow students to develop proficiency in transdisciplinary skills such as critical thinking , communication , collaboration , and creativity . Students have the choice and the opportunity to pursue their interests and passions . We have created four Pathways that are grouped by disciplines . Students can select a broad pathway for their PLEx . These pathways allow for a wide range of personal learning experiences .
The four pathways are :
• The Citizenship Pathway
• The Personal Development Pathway
• The Expression Pathway
• The Systems and Structures Pathway
Learning Progressions speak to assessment and growth during PLEx . Progressions offer students discrete steps or stages for mastery of reading , writing , and mathematics . Students demonstrate mastery at their own pace . The progression of skills that are used in PLEx is based on the Approaches of Learning ( ATL ) from the International Baccalaureate ( IB ). Through the use of the ATLs , students develop the skills necessary to answer the four PLC questions .
At the heart of understanding how to learn is ongoing reflection . Throughout PLEx , each student is given time within the daily schedule to reflect on their learning . Students will consciously reflect on how their learning outcome / product connects with the ICS Vision of ‘ our best with Africa and our world ’.