iCreate Magazine iCreate Skills Magazine. Exclusive-Enugu Skill Co | Page 10

icreate Africa. www.icreateafrica.com Impact The maiden iCreate Skill Fest has are responsible for higher income impacted not just the lives of the generation for many participants. first set of iCreate Skill Champions and other competitors in multiple Media tours in both Abuja and Lagos ways the starring the iCreate Skill Champions conversation within the private and have shaped their profiles and public sector to prioritize technical increased their confidence in their skills as a means to tackle youth crafts. but has propelled unemployment, skill shortage and industrialisation. ICreate’s industry partners have equally gained momentum through While some Skill Champions have been endorsed as Brand valued branding and media packages. Ambassadors, i.e. Top Chef Alvin by BON Hotel and Tiler Oladiti by Cachez With the support of its dedicated Designs Ltd., others have been partners, iCreate Africa pledged commissioned work with Sterling to take the 2018 winners to the Bank Plc, will be offered financial World Skills 2019 in Kazan, Russia - support entrepreneurship an important step towards adding training to assist in setting up their Nigeria as the “Power House of own ventures. New employment Skills” on the map of the World Skills opportunities with iCreate Africa and member countries. and through our partners’ network and absorption into ongoing projects 10