icreate Africa. www.icreateafrica.com
Malissa Onojo,
Skill Champion Garment Making
“Before iCreate, I ran the
business OH TAILOR but
wanted to do more with
what I had. iCreate did not
only gave me this platform
but a new view about
myself as an individual with
the validation that “hand
work na work”.
ICreate taught me that
there is nothing I cannot do
as long as I set my mind to
it. It also taught me that I
had more than I need to be
a great influence to every
skilled individual. It has
opened doors for me.
Still people often try to
be disrespectful and rude
because I only offer a
service. But with time,
people will realize that the
work of our profession
shall be valued.
I am looking forward to
build a well known and
fashion brand renowned
for sustainability in and out
of Africa. Thus, I must bag
my degree in environmental
sciences and resource
management and combine
it with my fashion business.
It gives me joy to inspire
others to follow a similar
path like mine. Improving
my skills, dedicate myself
to lifelong learning while
adding value to the society
and sharing my knowledge
I have acquired over the
years through trainings,
seminars, online learning
and and books.”