ICOnnect | ICO Newsletter Issue 04 - January 2018 | Page 4

USJ ICO NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2018 ISSUE 4 by Joana Costa, Intern at USJ’s ICO APPS TO HELP YOU SUCCEED IN 2018 Healthy self-confidence is essential to students’ A C C O M P L I S H success and it is one of the foundations of leadership. R E S O L U T I O N S It is part of what drives us to accomplish goals, hopes H A B I T B U L L B O O S T Y O U R S E L F - C O N F I D E N C E and dreams. Y O U R W I T H HTTP://WWW.HABITBULL.COM/ On one hand, low self-confidence can lead to anxiety, communication difficulties, shyness and lack of assertiveness. On the other, too much self-confidence W O R K O N Y O U R can make you inflexible, arrogant and even narcissistic. C O M M U N I C A T I O N If both extremes may negatively impact your personal S K I L L S and professional lives, how do you boost a healthy self- HTTP://WWW.UMMOAPP.COM/ W I T H U M M O confidence? According to the Centre for Confidence and Wellbeing (2006), confidence results from combining perceived self-efficacy, the belief that you can succeed and attain your goals, and optimism, the belief that the outcome of a specific situation will be favorable. I M P R O V E Y O U R T I M E M A N A G E M E N T W I T H T I M E L Y   HTTPS://TIMELYAPP.COM/ Below are some of the strategies you can adopt to improve your self-confidence: O R G A N I Z E ✓ Be thankful for who you are and reward your I N B O X achievements N E W T O N   ✓ Avoid comparing yourself to other people HTTPS://NEWTONHQ.COM/ ✓ Take care of your appearance and make time for Y O U R W I T H exercise ✓ Acknowledge the things you are good at ✓ Divide big tasks into smaller ones ✓ Practice being assertive and learning to say no T R A C K Y O U R R E A D I N G S W I T H without feeling guilty B O O K O U T   ✓ Shape your self-image and insist on being treated HTTP://BOOKOUTAPP.COM/ with respect ✓ Accept compliments and use positive self-talk and affirmations ✓ Be generous, helpful and considerate of others ✓ Build a positive support network and avoid negative people In conclusion, the focus should be on our overall self- E X E R C I S E B R A I N Y O U R W I T H   E L E V A T E , A N W I T H G A M E S W I L L T R A I N improvement, even if it takes a “fake it until you make B R A I N it” kind of approach at the beginning! S H A R P E R T O A P P T H A T Y O U R B E HTTPS://WWW.ELEVATEAPP.COM/ Note: If you feel that your self-confidence has been low for a lengthy period of time, or if your mood changes frequently, it might be important to seek professional help.