ICONIC September 2016 | Page 8


On the heels of the announcement that acclaimed hardcore band For Today would be disbanding at the end of the year , lead singer Mattie Montgomery announced the release of his debut memoir . Available on 10-10-16 , Lovely Things in Ugly Places will be also be available for purchase on For Today ’ s final worldwide tour .
For Today took Jesus ’ charge to preach the gospel seriously , and set out to share the gospel in bars , clubs and festivals where typically Christianity is absent . Other than appearing at an occasional Christian festival , For Today has spent over a decade exclusively performing before crowds that would rarely step through the doors of a church .
“ When we started this band in 2005 , we never imagined that our music would take us all around the world . Our lives have been hugely impacted by the time we ’ ve spent making music and touring . We met our wives , had kids and moved to different states because of For Today . It ’ s been an incredible experience , but we feel like now is the time to close this chapter of our lives and move on ” For Today ’ s Facebook status read announcing the Band ’ s decision to break up .
However , Mattie takes this idea of the chapter closing very literally . From the beginning , For Today made an intentional decision to be metal band committed to spreading the gospel . Over the years , the band has collected countless stories of people being impacted with their message and ministry . These stories are the heart of Mattie ’ s memoir , Lovely Things in Ugly Places .
In the intro to his novel , Mattie shares the inspiration for both the band and the memoir : “ Wherever fear has built a wall , love can build a bridge . Even in the ugliest places , the light of hope can shine into the darkness of despair . And if we ’ re willing to step bravely into the cold emptiness that some call life , we just might see the beauty of hope begin to blossom again where there was once nothing .”
Over the past few years , Mattie has begun to transfer his platform to business owner and evangelist , speaking all over the world at outreach events and churches . Mattie is passionate about inspiring and training churches to seek and save the lost . “ The role of an evangelist is to equip the church to impact the world for Jesus . When Christians partner with Jesus and get a heart to share their faith more effectively , it ’ s incredible . Helping inspire people become bold in their faith while becoming more compassionate is a gift . I ’ m honored to begin to focus more on this new chapter .”