ICONIC September 2016 | Page 12


‘ I just want to run ’ has a really brilliant melody , a hook that kicks in right from the start , with a joyfully retro sounding backing track breathing extra life into the whole thing . The melody line of ‘ I Just want to run ’ is one that captures your attention immediately , the vocal pause after this line is so well placed , it has the effect of really letting that melody and that hook sink in . You don ’ t forget it any time soon after listening . The leading vocal has a genuine sound of joy within the expression of each of the lines , a sort of true soul , a believable voice , really well suited to the melody and this kind of music .
The overall track has , as mentioned , quite a retro feel to it – those keys and vintage synth sounds give it a fairly nostalgic atmosphere . Later on , the additional vocals come in , some harmonies , some softer vocals performing very delicate and soothing notes . The track and the music on the whole is unlike anything you ’ re likely to have heard in recent months , perhaps years . In some ways , the music is reminiscent of the time around which the Sister Act soundtrack came out . That ’ s the wonderful feeling of nostalgia that you get from it . But in terms of song writing , this sounds completely new , that melody line is top notch and really a huge strong point for the song – it ’ s something that will definitely reach out and pull people in if they ’ re first time listeners .
The positivity and optimism that is touched on throughout , lyrically , is also a real strong point for this song . It ’ s something that is always needed in modern music , but not often found . Anything spreading a good message , a loving message , is more important than ever at the moment .