Pastor Devin Turner:
From The End of His
combination took its toll
Rope to the Beginning on a 12-year-old Devin,
of His Ministry
eventually resulting in
two attempts to take his
Life can be tough.
own life.
The troubling
In an interview, Devin
Fallon Victoria is a dynamic
forces of external
shared his amazing
young writer, speaker and
pressures combined
testimony with me.
aspiring author from Jackson,
with the stress of
“Basically, I grew up in
MS. Fallon is the owner the
internal issues can
a Christian home, and
Call Me Mrs. blog and Pen
be overwhelming at
like most adolescents I
Perceptions LLC.
times. But when life’s hit some hard times in
circumstances push
my life socially. When
Website: http://penperceptions. us towards the end of I was 12-years-old in
our ropes, we can rest middle school I was
Instagram & Twitter: @
assured that God is
going through some
there waiting to rescue depression. I had
Facebook: https://www.facebook. us.
eczema which is a dry
As a preteen, Devin
sky disease, it was all
Turner experienced
over my skin. Real
a turbulent life. He
skinny guy with glasses,
struggled with low
just not a cool kid at
self-esteem due to a
all. With that going on
skin disorder and other and some situations
insecurities. This
Fallon Brewster
It’s Christ Or Nothing
going on at home that just weren’t
really cool, I just felt like my life
would be better if I ended it. So,
I tried to hang myself twice in
my closet in my room. I took
a jump rope and harnessed it
over the pole that you hang the
clothes hangers on, and I made
a noose. I began to squeeze
and try to hang myself. And you
know I was saved, so there was
a knowing within myself that I
wasn’t supposed to kill myself,
but that I was supposed to live
and that God had a purpose
and plan for my life. So at that
moment, I hit my knees and I
started crying and I got up and
tried to kill myself again. My
mom was right downstairs and
she had no idea of the type of
depression I was going through
as a preteen. That led me to
this advocacy and bringing
awareness to the suicide that’s
going on.”
What Devin intended to be the
end of his journey actual paved
the way for the start of a new
one. His close call with death
turned him closer to God and
ministry. Through prayer and
deliverance, the once troubled
preteen has transformed into a
renowned Pastor, Christian Hip
Hop artist and advocate. Pastor
Devin Turner now dedicates his
efforts and energy towards youth
ministry and advocacy for suicide
In his newest single release, “End
of My Rope,” Devin discusses his
suicidal experiences. “End of My
Rope is basically a song of me
talking about that day when I was
suicidal. And we shot a video,
shot and directed by Eshon
Burgundy who is another Hip
Hop artist and also film director.
And he helped me to create the
storyboard that gives a great
story visually of what happened
to me, from the teasing to not
being popular and to some other
issues going on at home that I was
dealing with.”
End of My Rope is a part of
Devin’s newest album, “Now or
Never.” The album was inspired
by his transition from ministering
at a prominent mega church in
Maryland, to starting a church
in a challenged North East
[Washington] DC community.
His message is in his music. His
passion is in his ministry, and
his faith is in God. But Devin’s
reformation was a choice of
Like Devin, we too have a choice.
When will you surrender to God’s
will? Now or Never?
Now or Never is available on
iTunes and Amazon! Download it
Follow Devin Turner:
Facebook: Devin Turner
Instagram: @DevinTurner_
Twitter: @DevinTurner_