John Wick...
Who needs good acting???
We got guns.
In a showcase of stylized
shooting and a plot that
couldn’t be simpler, John
Wick is average.
a Russian and you forget
mid performance that
you’re supposed to be
a Russian, you deserve
whatever John Wick is
dishing out.
Bright spots...Dean Winters, who if you missed
Oz the TV Series, you
Keanu Reeves with less
couldn’t have missed
lines than it takes to fill an him as “Mayhem” in the
8.5 x 11 loose leaf sheet
Allstate commercials, is
of writing paper and an 2
making a comeback and
hour scowl plays John Wick, was solid. Also, Adrianne
a fearless and terrifying
Palicki and Daniel Bernassassin whose reputation hardt were solid as well
precedes him in the under- playing fellow assassins
world of crime and lawless- hunting John Wick and
providing variety for an
otherwise repetitive acExcept this once...and now tion film that can wait for
he’s mad.
The bad guys never stand a Nice try but less than
chance in this one and they impressive. Grade C
shouldn’t. If you’re cast as
It’s Christ Or Nothing